Looking for a Particular Animal?

If you don’t see your animal on the episode list, or if you listen to the episode where it appears and think it needs more in-depth coverage, feel free to email me at strangeanimalspodcast@gmail.com and request it!

The numbers refer to which episode the animal appears in. Some are no more than mentions.

Aardvark: 65

Aardwolf: 188, 408

Acanthorhachis: 280

Adalatherium: 324, 330

Aegisuchus: 212

Aetiocetus: 281

Aetosaur: 283

Afa lizard: 21, 181

Ahool: 88

Akainacephalus: 107

Akkorokamui: 174

Albatross: 70, 202, 278

Algae: 129, 278, 341

Alligator: 48, 85, 350

Alpaca: 285

Ammonite: 86

Amphicyonid: 64

Amphipod: 46

Amphisbaenian: 10, 21, 156, 158

Anatosuchus: 283

Andean tiger hound: 230

Anglerfish: 38, 136, 155, 193

Anhinga: 386

Andrewsarchus: 279

Ankylosaurus: 107, 297

Anole, Jamaican gray: 210

Anomalocaris: 69

Ant: 81, 111, 141, 179, 185, 328, 335, 336, 376

Ant, army: 185, 328

Ant, bullet: 111

Ant, dinosaur: 179

Ant, driver: 328

Ant, fire: 376

Ant, giant: 328

Ant, turtle: 336

Ant, velvet: 186

Anteater, giant: 65, 405

Anteater, silky: 405

Antechinus: 319

Antelope: 116, 218

Antelope, four-horned: 354

Antelope, sable: 258

Apatosaurus: 131

Ape, Bili: 102, 178

Ape, de Loys’: 102

Aphid: 215

Appalachiosaurus: 297

Archaeopteryx: 321

Archelon: 75

Archerfish: 146, 181

Argonaut: 155

Armadillo: 22, 379, 405

Ass, Mongolian wild: 338

Ass, Syrian wild: 292

Assassin bug: 111

Auanema: 289

Auk, little: 78

Auk, great: 78

Aurochs: 58

Australopithecus: 348, 361

Australovenator: 325

Axolotl: 54, 275

Aye-aye: 233, 338

Babirusa: 218

“Baby of the Desert”: 185

Bachia, Stacy’s: 158

Badger: 62, 332

Bald uakari: 167

Bandicoot: 154

Banteng: 372

Barb fish, giant: 338

Barnacle: 141, 147

Barnacle, gooseneck: 147

Barreleye: 231

Baryonyx: 151, 170

Basilisk: 12, 252

Basilosaurus: 72, 132

Basket star: 79

Bass, butterfly peacock: 334

Bat, Dayak fruit: 293

Bat, disk-winged: 109

Bat, fish-eating: 243

Bat, ghost: 192

Bat, hairless: 301

Bat, hammerhead: 88

Bat, orange-furred: 243

Bat, proboscis: 257

Bat, sucker-footed: 109

Bat, vampire: 11, 64, 236

Batfish: 114

Bathykorus: 343

Bathysphaera intacta: 193

Bear: 35, 42, 76, 124, 284, 389, 399

Bear, Atlas: 124

Bear, black: 284

Bear, brown: 399

Bear, cave: 399

Bear, Kokiak: 399

Bear, lava: 389

Bear, Nandi: 64

Bear, polar: 42, 399

Bear, sloth: 399

Bear, spectacled: 42, 59

Bear, sun: 76

Beast of Bodmin Moor: 52

Beast of Bungay: 195

Beaver: 48, 277

Bee: 159, 160, 183, 213

Bee, stingless: 213

Bee, vulture: 183

Bee, Wallace’s giant: 160

Beetle, diabolical ironclad: 259

Beetle, eyed click: 186

Beetle, featherwing: 136

Beetle, Hercules: 93

Beetle, longhorned: 273

Bellbird, white: 161

Benthosuchus: 365

Bettong: 154

Bigfoot: 348

Bilby: 154, 271

Bird of Paradise: 61, 64

Bison: 368

Bison, steppe: 357, 368

Bittern: 144

Blackdragon, Pacific: 193

Black mamba: 237

Black widow spider (Western): 155

Blobfish: 231, 316

Bluebird: 333

Blue button: 398

Blue tit: 333

Bondegezou (dingiso): 68

Bonnacon: 58

Bothriolepis: 214

Bowerbird: 206

Brachiosaur: 50

Brachylophosaurus: 297

Bristlemouth: 231

Brittle star: 79

Brontornis: 202

Brontosaurus: 131

Brontothere: 304

Brotula, black: 114

Buffalo: 368

Bullfrog: 112

Bumblebee: 159

Bunyip: 36, 351

Burrunjor: 325

Buru: 55

Bush dog: 80, 358

Bush thick-knee: 224

Butterfly: 93, 136, 185, 203, 335, 389

Butterfly, monarch: 203, 294

Butterfly, painted lady: 203, 389

Button quail: 136

By-the-wind-sailor: 398

Cahow (Bermuda petrel): 70

Caiman: 85

Cait sith (Kellas cat): 52

Cama (hybrid): 120

Camel: 156

Candiru: 130

Canvey Island Monster: 38

Capelobo: 405

Capybara: 157, 409

Carcharodontosaurus: 212

Caribou: 30

Cassowary: 222, 236

Cat: 166, 315, 364

Cat, big, Australian: 274

Cat, Pallas’s: March 2020 Bonus

Cat, sabertooth (Smilodon): 34, 124, 382

Cat, winged: 113

Catfish: 10, 46, 96, 140, 163, 370

Catfish, upside down: 163

Catfish, walking: 140

Catfish, Wels: 96

Cath palug: 52

Catshark, lollipop: 114

Cave angel fish: 121

Centipede: 27, 100

Cephalaspis: 214

Chameleon: 237

Chamois: 305

Champ (Lake Champlain monster): 29

Charnia: 291

Cheetah: 145, 332, 367

Chessie: 404

Chevrotain: 116, 157

Chickcharnie: 91

Chicken: 271

Chigger: 186

Chimpanzee: 102

Chipmunk: 81

Chub, river: 271

Chupacabra: 13

Cicada: 28, 226

Cicada killer: 28, 186

Cichlid (fish): 155

Cimolicthys: 151

Cinereous mourner: 191

Cinnamon bird: 400

Cinnamon flycatcher: 400

Cladodontomorph: 227

Clam: 19, 314, 364

Climactichnite: 103

Clownfish: 278, 314

Coati/coatimundi: 302, 398

Cobra: 12, 53, Aug. 2021 Q&A

Cochleatina: 291

Cockatoo, palm: 23

Cockatrice: 12

Cockroach: 187, 191

Cockroach, hissing: 187

Coelacanth: 2, 212, 236

Colugo: 101

Condor: 17, 127, 278

Conodont: 339

Con rit: 288

Constellation fish, five-lined: 193

Cornetfish, red: 96

Cotylorhynchus: 119

Cougar (puma, mountain lion): 52, 59, 145, 244

Cow, domestic: 58, 64, 368, 372

Cow, purple: 372

Coyote: 13, 80, 310, 332

Crab: 141, 182, 192, 210, 251, 314, 342, 342

Crab, aethra: 182

Crab, coconut: 182

Crab, decorator: 251

Crab, ghost: 192

Crab, giant spider: 342

Crab, hermit: 182, 251, 314

Crab, mountain: 210

Crab, spider: 342

Crab, Wallowa lake: 182

Crane: 159

Crawdad (crayfish): 28, 288

Crinoid: 79

Crocodile: 12, 53, 85, 212, 239

Crocodile, pancake: 212

Crocodile, shield: 212

Crow: 333

Cryptophidion: 236

Cyanobacteria: 341

El Cuero: 296

Culpeo: 232

Cusk eel: 114

Cynodont: 119

Daeodon: 279

Deer: 4, 116, 317, 352, 366

Deer, giant (Irish elk): 4

Deer, sika: 317

Deer, white-tailed: 352

Deinosuchus: 53

Deinotherium: 71

Delma, excitable: 158

Deltadromeus: 212

Denisovan: 25, 276

Depranosaur: 228

Desman: 89

Desmatosuchus: 283

Devil bird: 24

Devil, thorny: 97

Devil-pig: 245

Dhole: 80

Dickinsonia: 291

Dicynodont: 119

Dimetrodon: 119

Dingiso: 68

Dingo: 232, 389

Dingo, Carolina: 230

Dipluran: 121

Diprotodon: 208, 224

Dobhar-Chu: 37

Dodo: 19, 363

Dog: 80, 106, 230, 232, Aug. 2021 Q&A, 315, 332, 364

Dog, African wild: 408

Dog, Fuegian: 232

Dogfish, sandy: 280

Dogfish, spiny: 280

Dolphin, river: 98

Donkey: 292, 338

Dormouse, edible: 81

Dove, blue-eyed ground: 70

Dragon: 12, 53, 384

Dragon, bearded: 406

Dragon, water: 81

Dragonfish: 231, 397

Dragonfly, globe skimmer: 203

Duck, Mandarin: 381

Duck, pink-headed: 110

Dunkleosteus: 33, 214

Dvinosaurus: 172

Eagle: 17, 32, 60, 274, 277, 326, 381, 388

Eagle, harpy: 326

Eagle, Steller’s sea: 381

Eagle, Washington’s: 17, 388

Eagle, wedge-tailed: 274

Eagle, white-tailed: 277

Earth hound: 89

Earthworm: 54, 289

Earthworm, bioluminescent: 289

Earthworm, giant: 289

Echidna: 45

Edestus: 33

Edmontosaurus: 297

Eel: 10, 49, 332, 401

Eel, moray: 332, 401

Eider, Steller’s: 60

El Gran Maja: 401

Elasmosaur: 92, 131

Elasmotherium: 5

Elephant: 18, 23, 71, 110, 123, 200, 225, 320

Elephant bird: 51, 124

Elephantnose fish: 223

Elk (wapiti): 303

Elk, Irish (giant deer): 4

Embolotherium: 304

Emu: 360

Endolith: 168

Entelodont: 116, 279

Eucladoceros: 218

Eurypterid: 205

Fairyfly: 136

Falcatus: 122

Falcon, Peregrine: 295

Fayella: 172

Feather star: 79, 395

Fennec: 106, 379

Fer-de-lance: 391

Ferret: 150, 198

Ferret, black-footed: 150

Ferret-badger: 198

Finch: 99

Firefly, blue ghost: 229

Firefly, synchronous: 180, 229

Fish, flying: 101, 140 (sort of)

Fisher: 198

“Flores little people”: 26, 76

Flowerpecker: 136

Flycatcher, scissor-tailed: 282

Fossa: 99

Fox: 8, 106, 138, March 2020 Bonus, 167, 303, 310

Fox, crab-eating: 310

Fox, Tibetan: 167

Frog: 46, 112, 124, 136, 140, 148, 204, 209, 230, 262, 270, 299, 307, 314, 332, 338, 347, 369, 370

Frog, coqui: 307, 338

Frog, desert rain: 230

Frog, devil eyed: 209

Frog, glass: 307, 338

Frog, leopard (Northern and Southern): 204

Frog, Lilliputian: 209

Frog, poison dart: 204

Frog, smoky jungle: 347

Frog, starry dwarf: 204

Frog, tapir: 270

Frog, tomato: 204

Frog, turtle: 204

Frog, voiceless: 370

Frogfish: 38, 165

Fury worm: 123

Gannet, northern: 190

Gar, alligator: 153

Gar, rainbow: 193

Gastornis: 131

Gastropod, scaly-foot: 259

Gaur: 58

Gavial: 85

Gazeka: 245

Gecko: 20, 108, 135, 210, 237, 389

Gecko, crested: 20, 237

Gecko, fish-scaled: 20, 237

Gecko, leopard: 20, 237

Gecko, parachute: 237

Gef the talking mongoose: 225

Gennet: 117

Genyornis: 217

Gerbil: 150

Gerenuk: 167, 218

Gibbon: 76, 217

Gigantopithecus: 348

Giraffe: 50, 218, 345

Globster: 87, 176

Glyptodon: 22

Goanna: 384, 385

Goat, cave: 305

Goat, mountain: 100

Goblinfish: 130

Gomphothere: 71

Goose, bar-headed: 159

Gorilla: 84

Grebe: 7

Grenadier fish: 114

Griffinfly: 227

Grison, greater: 198

Groundhog: 327

Grouper: 332

Grouse, black: 70

Guanaco: 285

Guinea pig: 409

Guppy: 81

Gurnard: 261

Gurnard, flying: 261

Habeby: 372

Hagfish: 105

Hairyfish: 165

Half-siders: 286

Hallucigenia: 69

Hamster: 150, 398

Handfish: 189, 397

Hare: 113, 115, 306

Hare, horned: 113

Hawkmoth, death’s head: 247

Hawksbill: 75

Heath hen: 144

Hedgehog: 126, 370

Helicoprion: 33, 122

Hellbender: 14, 275

Henodus: 228

Hide: 296

Hippopotamus: 48, 135, 318

Hog, feral: 128, 245

Hogzilla: 128

Homo floresiensis: 26, 76, 294

Homo luzonensis: 124

Homo naledi: 26

Honey badger: 62, 139

Honey Island swamp monster: 350

Honeybee: 183, 213

Honeyguide: 332

Hoopoe: 139

Hoplitomeryx: 218

Hornet, oriental: 10

Hornshark: 370

Horse, domestic: 47, 116, 232, 292, 317, 351

Horse, Przewalski’s: 47, 64

Horseshoe crab: 57, 306

Hueque: 285

Huia: 155

Hulitherium: 208

Human: 25, 26, 36, 64, 103, 124, 276, 338, 361

Hummingbird: 118

Hummingbird, bee: 70, 118

Hummingbird, Sumatra: 70

Hyaenodon: 188

Hybrid animals: 120, 178

Hydra: 54

Hyena: 188

Ibis: 173

Ice worm: 185

Ichthyosaur: 63, 378

Ichthyotitan: 378

Iguana: 92, 237, 300

Iguana, green: 237

Iguana, marine: 92

Indrasaurus: 151

Inkanyamba: 96

Isopod: 6, 311, 314

Jackal: 80

Jaekelopterus: 205

Jaguar: 59, 109, 244

Jaguarundi: 59, 244

Javelina: 322

Jay, Steller’s: 60

Jellyfish: 16, 41, 248, 343, 392

Jellyfish, immortal: 343

Jerboa: 136, 312

Jerusalem cricket: 185

Jingle shell, mangrove: 338

Jungle fowl, red: 271

Kakapo: 313

Kangaroo: 73, 390

Kaprosuchus: 283

Katydid: 370

Kawekaweau: 20

Kea: 294

Keitloa (“blue rhino”): 346

Kellas cat (cait sith): 52

Kelpie: 317, 351

Kimberella: 291

Kinglet: 136

Kinkajou: 323

Kirin (Qilin): 61, 372

Kitsune: 247

Kiwi: 32

Koala: 94, 224

Kolponomos: 34

Komodo dragon: 53, 384

Kompsornis: 282

Kongamato: 20

Koolakamba: 178

Koolasuchus: 172, 365

Kosmoceratops: 125

Kouprey: 100, 372

Kraken: 174, 404

Kronosaurus: 403

Kubanochoerus: 133

Kunbarrasaurus: 151

Kunga: 292

Kwatisuchus: 365

Ladybug: 141, 215

Laganosuchus: 212

Lagarfljót worm: 181

Lake Champlain monster (Champ): 29

Lamprey: 3, 53

Langur, grey: 196

Langur, popa: 209

Lavellan: 89

Leaf sheep: 341

Leafy seadragon: 191

Leatherback: 75

Leech: 288

Leedsichthys: 216

Lemur: 48, 77, 124, 135, 209, 233

Leopard: 83, 109, 274, 367

Leptodirus: 121

Lightning bug: 180

Limpet: 259

Lindorn (lindwurm): 53

Linsang, Asiatic (banded and spotted): 117

Lion: 83, 236, 286, 367

Lion, spotted (“Marozi”): 367

Lisowicia: 119

Listracanthus: 280

Lizard, collared: 252

Lizard, draco: 237

Lizard, frilled: 97

Lizard, La Gomera giant: 97

Lizard, horned (horny toad): 299, 376

Lizard, legless: 158

Lizard, Modigliani’s nose-horned: 179

Lizard, New Mexican whiptail: 278

Lizard, Pinocchio: 97

Lizard, Shreve’s lightbulb: 210

Lizard, Texas horned: 299, 376

Llama: 285

Lobster: 290

Lobsterette, rosy: 290

Loch Ness monster: 29, 46

Longtom, freshwater: 331

Loosejaw, stoplight: 193

Loveland frog: 300

Loxo parasite: 141

Lumpsucker: 189

Lungfish: 55, 212, 331

Lusca: 174

Lynx: 52, 277

Lystrosaurus: 227

Macaque, crab-eating: 350

Macaque, rhesus: 349

Magpie: 134

Magpie jay: 181

Mammoth: 256, 320, 357, 389

Manakin, white-crowned: 257

Manatee: 153, 329

Mande burung: 110

Mandrill: 196

Mangrove killifish: 133

Manol: March 2020 Bonus

Man-o-war: 16

Mantis, praying: 187, 201, 375, 392

Mantis shrimp: 394

Marmoset, pygmy: 43

Marmot: 327

Marozi: 367

Marrella: 69

Marten, pine: 277

Mastodon: 132, 306

Mastodonsaurus: 172

Maudheimia: 221

Megacerops: 304

Megalania: 384

Megalodon: 15, 353

Megapode: 217

Megatherium: 22, 357

Meidum geese: 217

Meiolania: 255

Mermaid: 38

Metriorhynchus: 109

Millipede: 108, 124, 262

“Mini rex”: 252

Mite: 186, 221

Moa: 32

Moeritherium: 18

Mokele mbembe: 2, 132

Mold pig: 341

Mole: 31, 383

Mole, marsupial: 383

Mole-rat, naked: 301

Monato del Monte: 94

Mongoose: 225

Monitor lizard: 21, 177, 181, 300, 325, 384, 385

Monkey: 43, 167, 196, 257, 349, 350

Monkey, capuchin: 196

Monkey, Chinese ink: 43

Monkey, black howler: 257

Monkey, proboscis: 167

Monkey lizard: 228

Monkey-man of New Delhi: 349

Monkfish: 38

Montauk monster: 152

Moonrat: 126

Moose: 30

Mosasaur: 86, 92

Moschops: 119

Mosquito: 184

Moth: 70, 111, 136, 191, 215, 273, 396

Moth, atlas: 396

Moth, hairy tentacle: 396

Moth, hermit hawk: 70

Moth, hornet: 396

Moth, luna: 111

Moth, peppered: 251

Moth, Venezuelan poodle: 215

Moth, Walnut sphinx: 273

Mountain lion (puma, cougar): 52, 59, 166

Mouse: 8, 39, 171, 294, 312

Mouse, African spiny: 54

Mouse, jumping: 312

Mouse, kangaroo: 312

Mudpuppy: 275

Mudskipper: 261

Muntjac: 366

Mush-khush-shu [sirrush]: 177, 181

Musk deer: 116

Musk ox: 372

Muttaburrasaurus: 325

Mylodon: 59

Myotragus: 305

Nanobe: 136

Narwhal: 5

Nautilus: 86

Neandertal: 25, 64, 181, 236, 276

Needlefish: 331

Nematode: 27

Newt: 170, 260, 275, 347

Nigerpeton: 172

Nightingale-thrush: 370

Nightjar: 146

Nightjar, Nechisar: 70, 146

Ningen: bonus of Oct. 6, 2021

Not-deer: 352

Notostracans: 288

Nudibranch: 215

Numbat: 154, 298

Nuralagus: 305

Oarfish: 6

Octocoral: 392

Octopus: 100, 142, 174, 191, 262, 287, 332

Octopus, gloomy: 262

Octopus, hairy: 100

Octopus, mimic: 191

Octopus, sand: 287

Octopus, star: 262

Oilbird: 121

Olingo: 302

Olm: 27

Okapi: 218

Ompax: 331

Onchopristis: 212

Onza: 59

Opah: 353

Opossum, Virginia: 284

Orang pendek: 76

Orangutan: 76, 194

Orca: 137, 225, 308

Oryx, Arabian: 218

Ostrich: 50

Otter: 37, 59, 60, 198, 272, 395

Owl: 24, 91, 100, 191, 246, 303, 355

Owl, water: 24

Owlman: 91

Ozenkadnook Tiger: Bonus episode (between episodes 7 and 8)

Paca: 157

Pacarana: 157

Pachyrhinosaurus: 125

Paleocastor: 103, 198

Palaeoloxodon: 200

Palaeopython: 151

Pallid sailfin: 193

Panda: 42, 109, 309

Panda, red: 309

Pangolin: 65, 379

Paraceratherium: 50

Parakeet: 48, 51

Parrot: 109, 155, 201, 257, 313

Parrot, African grey: 201

Parrot, mealy: 257

Peacock: 371

Peccary: 322

Pelagornithid: 202

Pelycosaur: 119

Penguin: 78, 99, 278, 304, 338

Perentie: 384

Petrel, Bermuda (cahow): 70

Pezosiren: 304

Phascogale: 319

Phasmid: 93, 108

Pheasant, double-banded: 70

Phoberomys: 157

Phoenix: 61

Phylliroe: 287

Pig: 128, 322

Pika: 356

Pipefish: 152, 209

Pipit: 381

Pigeon: 19, 44, 51, 138, 206, 363

Pigeon, passenger: 44, 51

Pipefish: 67

Piranha: 334

Pistol shrimp: 273, 337

Pitohui: 222

Placodont: 228

Placodus: 228

Planarian: 54

Planigale: 135

Plants: 129, 168

Plants, carnivorous: 129

Platypus: 10, 31, 45, 64, 181

Plesiosaur: 92

Pliosaur: 403

Plotipterid: 190

Polypterid: 212

Porcupine: 348

Porpoise: 72, 98

Postosuchus: 283

Potoroo: 154

Pouched rat, giant: 143

Pouwa: 32

Prairie chicken, greater: 144

Prairie dog: 150

“Predator X”: 403

Presbyornis: 304

Prionosuchus: 172

Pronghorn: 116, 164

Protoceratops: 125

Pseudomegachasma: 216

Pseudotooth bird: 202

Psittacosaurus: 344

Pterodactyl: 53

Pterosaur: 53, 131, 132, 181

Ptoraspis: 214

Ptychodus: 122

Pudu: 116

Puff adder: 242

Pufferfish: Aug. 2021 Q&A, 374

Puma (cougar, mountain lion): 52, 59, 244, 274

Pupfish, devils hole: 121

Pupfish, Tecopa: 44

Purussaurus: 85, 255

Quang khem: 366

Qilin (kirin): 61

Quagga: 1

Quelea, red-billed: 398

Quokka: 208

Rabbit: 115, 254, 305, 316, 356

Rabbit, Amami: 316

Rabbit, striped: 254

Rabbit, volcano: 356

Raccoon: 138, 398

Raccoon dog: 106

Rakali: 272

Ramisyllis: 289

Rapator: 325

Rat: 143, 232, 294, 312

Rat, hog-nosed: 243

Rat, kangaroo: 312

Rat fish: 152

Raven: 7, 112, 173, 333

Raven, red-tailed: 7

Ray, manta: 96, 216

Razorbill: 78

Red eft: 275

Red panda: 309

Reindeer: 30, 277, 306, 369

Repenomamus: 151, 344

Rhamphorhynchus: 151

Rhinoceros: 5, 346

Rhinoceros, woolly: 256

Ringdocus: 80

Robin, American: 333

Robin, black: 44

Robin, European: 333, 381

Roc: 51

Rockfish: 364

Roly poly (woodlouse, sowbug): 146

Sabertooth fish: 34

Sable: 258

Saiga: 156

Sailfin, pallid: 193

Saint Bathans mammal: 272

Salamander: 14, 27, 54, 104, 108, 260, 386

Salamander, giant: 14

Salmon: 340

Sand crab: 287

Sand striker: 253

Saola: 254

Sapsucker, yellow-bellied: 161

Sauropod: 50, 240

Sauroposeidon: 50

Sawfish: 362

Sawshark: 362

Sawskate: 362

Scampi: 290

Scorpion: 205, 209

Scorpion, sea: 205

Screamer: 304

Screaming piha: 161

Sea anemone: 129, 314

Sea ape, Steller’s: 60

Sea bunny: 215

Sea cow, Steller’s: 60

Sea lily: 395

Sea lion: 59, 60

Sea louse: 340

Sea mouse: 100

Sea Serpent: 6, 67

Sea slug: 129, 287, 341

Sea spider: 105, 311

Sea sponge: 364

Sea turtle: 75

Seahorse: 130, 152

Seal: 23, 36, 60, 153, 155, 162, 225, 249, 351

Seal, Baikal: 249

Seal, bearded: 249

Seal, elephant: 153, 155, 351

Seal, Hawaiian monk: 162

Seal, talking: 225

Seal, Weddell: 249

Seamoth: 261

Seriema: 202

Serval: 52, 166

Shark: 6, 10, 15, 33, 74, 87, 122, 130, 152, 153, 163, 168, 216, 227, 229, 261, 280, 314, 353, 362, 364, 370, 397, 407

Shark, basking: 216, 353

Shark, cookie cutter: 407

Shark, eagle: 216

Shark, Greenland: 364

Shark, megamouth: 216

Shark, spinner: 280

Shark, walking: 261

Shark, whale: 216

Shastasaurus: 378

Sheep: 171, 278, 354

Shield bug (stink bug): 203

Shingleback: 98

Shoebill: 20

Shonisaurus: 378

Shrew: 31, 136

Shrimp, ghost: 337

Shrimp, snapping (pistol): 273, 337

Siamang: 76

Silesaurus: 177

Sinoceratops: 125

Siphonophore: 209

Siren, greater: 386

Sirrush [mush-khush-shu]: 177, 181

Sivatherium: 256, 354

Skink: 21, 158

Skink, legless: 158

Skua: 190

Skunk: 139

Slickhead: 400

Sloth: 329, 405

Sloth, giant ground: 22, 59, 104, 357

Sloth, marine: 329

Slow-worm: 158

Smilodon: 34, 382

Snake: 12, 53, 56, 81, 124, 192, 197, 236, 242, 255, 262, 377, 391

Snake, flying: 56, 237

Snake, ghost: 192

Snake, sunbeam: 236

Snakehead: 163, 209

Snakehead, Gollum: 209

Snail: 27, 81, 136, 147, 342, 370

Snail, cone: 57, 342

Snailfish: 27

Solenodon: 31

Songomby: 372

Sowbug (roly poly, woodlouse): 146

Sparrow, white-throated: 278

Spider: 90, 121, 169, 191, 314, 336, 393

Spider, alien butt: 336

Spinosaurus: 170, 212

Sponge: 41, 64, 168, 199

Spookfish: 130

Spoonworm, green: 155

Spriggina: 291

Springhare: 312

Springtail: 27

Spurdog: 280

Squid: 11, 74, 101, 174, 181, 215, 235, 370

Squid, bigfin: 235

Squid, bobtail: 215

Squid, clawed armhook: 235

Squid, colossal: 74, 174

Squid, flying: 101

Squid, giant: 74, 174, 181, 248

Squid, long-armed: 235

Squid, long-tailed: 235

Squid, ram’s horn: 235

Squid, vampire: 11

Squirrel: 99, Aug. 2021 Q&A, 241

Squirrel, flying: 44

Squirrel, ground: 327

Stag-moose: 218

Starfish: 54, 79, 135, 359

Stegosaurus: 107, 131

Steller’s Sea-Raven: 60

Stethacanthus: 122

Stick insect: 93

Stingray: 303, 397

Stingray, freshwater: 296

Stink badger: 139

Stink bug: 203

Stoat: 89

Stomatosuchus: 85

Stout infantfish: 136

Sturgeon: 153

Sunbird: 70

Sunfish: 96, 152, 398

Surrey puma: 52

Swan: 32, 161, 278

Swiftlet: 121

Swordfish: 24

Sylph, long-tailed: 282

Taimen: 156

Takin, golden: 218

Tamandua: 405

Tamaraw: 99

Tamarin, golden lion: 44

Tantanoola tiger: 298

Tanystropheus: 283

Tapir: 18, 245, 270, 379

Tarantula: 99, 169, 314, 332

Tarbosaurus: 297

Tardigrade: 234

Tarpan: 47

Tarsier: 8, 43

Tasmanian devil: 373

Tatzelworm: 21

Tayra: 358

Temnospondyl: 172, 365

Tenrec: 324

Teratorn: 17, 127

Terror bird: 202, 304, 389

Thalassocnus: 329

Thalattosaur: 92

Threadsnake, Barbados: 135

Thunderbird: 17

Thylacine: 1, 274, 298, 373

Thylacoleo: 274

Thylacosmilus: 34

Tiarajudens: 330

Tiger: 44, 83, 298

Tiger, Tasmanian (Thylacine): 1, 373

Titanichthys: 214

Titanis: 202

Titanoboa: 197, 283, 377

Titanomyrma: 328

Toad, golden: 250

Tongoenas: 363

Tortoise, Burmese star: 223

Tortoise, giant: 95, 99, 168, 364

Tratratratra: 77

Triceratops: 125

Trilobite: 57, 69, 214

Trilobozoans: 291

Triops: 288

Trout, deepwater: 179

“Trunko”: 87

Tsaidamotherium: 61

Tsuchinoko: 56

Tuatara: 3

Tube worm, giant: 114, 364

Tully monster: 339

Turkey, wild: 252

Turkey, ocellated: 144, 371

Turtle: 68, 75, 97, 197, 207, 255, 406

Turtle, bog: 406

Turtle, Hoan Kiem: 68, 207

Turtle, mata mata: 97

Turtle, sea: 75, 406

Turtle, Yangtze giant softshell: 68, 207

Tusoteuthis: 151

Tyrannosaurus rex: 66, 124, 125, 181, 294, 297

Uintatherium: 304

Unicorn: 5, 61

Unicorn fly: 108

Urchin: 395

Vaquita: 135

Vasuki: 377

Venus the cat: 286

Vicuña: 285

Vinegaroon: 185

Vintana: 330

Viper, rhino: 242

Viperfish: 231

Vulture: 40, 127, 159, 326

Waitoreke: 272

Wallaby: 73, 390

Walrus: 117

Wampus cat: 244

Wapiti: 303

Warbler: 70 (“Junkin’s,” mourning, Kentucky), 124

Warthog: 128

Wasp: 183, 186

Wasp, honey: 183

Weasel: 198

Werewolf: 247

Whale: 5, 8, 24, 27, 29, 67, 72, 74, 87, 137, 179, 209, 211, 225, 262, 281, 308, 340, 364

Whale, beaked: 209, 262

Whale, blue: 211

Whale, fin: 211

Whale, humpback: 281

Whalefish: 165

Whale louse: 340

Whip scorpion: 185

White River Monster: 153

Whydah, pin-tailed: 282

Widowbird, long-tailed: 282

Wildcat: 52, 166, 277

Wisent: 368

Wiwaxia: 390

Wolf: 13, 80, 106, 195, 298, 315, 408

Wolf, cave: 358

Wolf, dire: 80, 207

Wolf, Ethiopian: 408

Wolf, Falkland Islands: 80

Wolf, Hagenbeck’s: 80

Wolf, Honshu: 80

Wolf, maned: 80, 167, 358

Wolverine: 62, 313

Wombat: 208, 224

Woodcock: 144

Woodhoopoe: 139

Woodlouse (roly poly, sowbug): 146

Woodpecker: 9, 161, 380, 381

Woodpecker, acorn: 380

Woodpecker, green: 380

Woodpecker, Ivory-billed: 9, 380

Worm, bootlace: 389

Worm, exploding: 158

Worm, giant beach: 289

Worm, hammerhead: 63

Worm, Lambton: 53

Worm, Mongolian death: 10, 156, 158, 269

Worm, North Auckland: 289

Worm, polychaete: 342

Worm, velvet: 69, 186

Woylie: 154

Wren, St. Kilda: 171

Wyvern: 12

Xenophyophore: 27

Xiphactinus: 151

Xizi: 296

Yak: 156, 372

Yara-ma-yha-who: 350

Yemish: 22, 59

Yeti: 35, 348

Yi qi: 293

Yowie: 36

Zebra 1, 149, 345

Zebroid (hybrid): 120

Zorilla: 139