Looking for a Particular Cryptid?

Some of you are just here for the mystery animals/cryptids, and that’s fine with me! Here’s a guide to find the episodes that feature them. The number is the episode number.

Afa lizard: 21, 181

Ahool: 88

Akkorokamui: 174

Andean tiger hound: 230

Anglerfish, three-starred: 193

Apes, mystery: 76, 102, 178, 348

“Baby of the Desert”: 185

Basilisk: 12

Bathysphaera intacta: 193

Bears, mystery: 42

Beast of Bodmin Moor: 52

Beast of Buderim: Patreon

Beast of Bungay: 195

Beast of Busco: Patreon (episode unlocked)

(William) Beebe’s mystery deep-sea fish: 193

Bigfoot: 348

Bili ape: 102

Birds, mystery: 7, 9, 17, 24, 70

Black dogs: 195

Brantevik eel: 49

Bunyip: 36, 351

Burrunjor: 325

Buru: 55

Cadborosaurus: 67

Canvey Island Monster: 38

Cat, winged: 113

Cats, big, mystery: 52, 83, Patreon (unlocked episode), 274

Centipedes, giant: 100

Champ: 29

Cheetah, king: 83

Chickcharnie: 91

Chupacabra: 13

Cockatrice: 12

Con rit: 288

Constellation fish, five-lined: 193

Cow, purple: 372

Crab, Wallowa lake: 182

Crocodile, orange: 239

Cryptophidion: 236

El Cuero: 296

Daedalus sea serpent: 67

De Loys’ Ape: 102

Devil bird of Sri Lanka (ulama): 24

Devil’s footprints: 39

Devil-pig: 245

Dinosaur, living: 252

Dobhar-Chu: 37

Dover demon: 194

Dragon: 12, 53

Duck, pink-headed: 110

Eagle, Washington’s: 17, 388

Earth-hound: 89

Elephants, mystery: 18, 110

Elengassen: Patreon

Eltanin antenna: 199

Emela-Ntouka: Patreon

Fish, furry: 165

Fury worm: 123

Gar, rainbow: 193

Gazeka: 245

Gef the talking mongoose: 225

Globsters: 87, 176

Habeby: 372

Hazelworm: Patreon (episode unlocked)

Hide: 296

Hippopotamus, Madagascar: 318

Honey Island swamp monster: 350

Horse-Eel: Patreon (episode unlocked)

Hook Island sea monster: Patreon (episode unlocked)

Hueque: 285

Humans, giant: 36

Indri: 77

Indus worm: 55

Inkanyamba: 96

Jellyfish, mystery: 16, 248, 343

Keitloa (“blue rhino): 346

Kellas cat: 52

Kelpie: 317, 351

Kitsune: 247

Koolakamba: 178

Kraken: 174

Lagarfljót Worm: 181

Lavellan: 89

Lindwurm: 53

Listracanthus: 280

Loch Ness monster: 29

Loveland frog: 300

Lusca: 174

Mande burung: 110

Marozi: 367

Meidum geese: 217

“Mini rex”: 252

Minnesota iceman: Patreon (episode unlocked)

Mokele mbembe: 2

Mongolian death worm: 10, 156, 158, 269

Monkey, Chinese Ink: 43

Monkey-man of New Delhi: 349

Montauk monster: 152

Mothman: 246

Nandi bear: 64

Ningen: bonus of Oct. 6, 2021

Not-deer: 352

Nunda: 83

Ohio River monster: 386, Patreon

“Ole Rip”: 299

Oliver the “ape-man”: 102

Ompax: 331

Onza: 59

Orang pendek: 76

Owlman: 91

Ozark howler: Patreon

Pallid sailfin: 193

Phantom kangaroos: 73

Phoenix: 61

Pictish beast: Patreon

Qilin/Qirin: 61

Quang khem: 366

Queensland tiger: Patreon (episode unlocked)

Rabbit, giant: 115

Rains of frogs/fish: 140, Patreon

Rats, giant: 143

Rats, golden: Patreon

Raven, Forest: 173

Re’em: 58

Ringdocus: 80

Saint Bathans mammal: 272

Salamanders, giant: 14

Sea serpents: 6, 67

Sirrush: 177, 181

Snake, giant: Patreon

Soay Island sea monster: Patreon (episode unlocked)

Songomby: 372

Spider, blue: 90

Spring-heeled Jack: 349

Steller’s sea ape: 60

Surrey puma: 52

Tantanoola tiger: 298

Tarpan: 47

Tatzelwurm: 21, 53

Thunderbird: 17

Thylacine: 1

Tratratratra: 77

Trinity Alps giant salamander: 14

Trunko: 87

Tsuchinoko: 56

Turtle, Hoan Kiem: 68

Ulama (devil bird): 24

Unicorn: 5

Unicorn, South American: Patreon

Venezuelan poodle moth: 215

Vulture, painted: 127

Waitoreke: 272

Wampus cat: 244

Water owl: 24

Wee Waa Monster: Patreon

Werewolf: 247

White River monster: 153, 181

Wolf, Honshu: 80

Woodpecker, ivory-billed: 9

Worm, exploding: 158

Yara-ma-yha-who: 350

Yemish: 59

Yeti: 35, 348

Yowie: 36