Episode 395: Crinoids and Urchins

Thanks to Sy and Finn for their suggestions this week!

Further reading:

Creeping Crinoids! Sea Lilies Crawl to Escape Predators, New Video Shows

New and Unusual Crinoid Discovered

Sea otters maintain remnants of healthy kelp forest amid sea urchin barrens

Sea urchins see with their feet

A sea lily [photo from this page]:

A feather star [still from a video posted on this page]:

Purple urchins [photo by James Maughn]:

Show transcript:

Welcome to Strange Animals Podcast. I’m your host, Kate Shaw.

This week as we bring invertebrate August to a close, we’re going to cover some animals suggested by Finn and Sy.

We’ll start with Sy’s suggestion, crinoids, also called feather stars or sea lilies depending on what body plan a particular species has. We talked about them in episode 79 but it’s definitely time to revisit them.

Crinoids are echinoderms, a really old phylum of animals. Fossils of ancient echinoderms date back to the Cambrian half a billion years ago and they’re still incredibly common throughout the world’s oceans.

Ancient crinoids had five arms the way many starfish do, which makes sense because crinoids are related to starfish. At some point each arm developed into two, so many crinoids have ten arms or even more, and many have arms that branch. The arms are used for feeding and have feathery appendages lined with sticky mucus that traps tiny bits of food floating in the water.

There are two big divisions of crinoids today, the feather stars and the sea lilies. Feather stars are more common and can swim around as adults if they want to, although most stick to crawling along the sea floor. They swim by waving their feathery arms. Sea lilies look like flowers as adults, with a slender stem-like structure with the small body and long feathery arms at the top. I specify that sea lilies have stems as adults because a lot of feather stars also have stems as juveniles, but when they reach maturity they become free-swimming.

Even though the sea lily looks like a plant, and some species even have root-like filaments that help it anchor itself to the sea floor or to rocks, it’s still an animal. For one thing, it can uproot itself and move to a better location if it wants to, crawling with its arms and pulling its stem behind it, which is not something a plant can do except in cartoons. If a predator attacks it, the sea lily will even shed its stem completely so it can crawl away much faster. Since echinoderms in general are really good at regenerating parts of the body, losing its stem isn’t a big deal.

The biggest sea lilies today are deep-sea species, but even they only grow a stem up to about three feet long at most, or about a meter. This wasn’t the case in the ancient past, though. The longest crinoid stem fossil ever discovered was 130 feet long, or 40 meters.

Crinoids filter food particles from the water that flows through the feathery arms. Even though they look like feathers or petals, a crinoid’s arms are actually arms. They have tiny tube feet on them that act sort of like fingers to help the crinoid hold onto pieces of food, and to do a better job of holding the food, the tube feet are covered with a sticky mucus. The mouth is in the middle of the arms on the top of the body.

Crinoids absorb oxygen directly from the water. Its body contains a system of chambers and pores that are full of water, and by contracting special muscles, the crinoid moves water around in its body to transport nutrients and oxygen and to collect waste material.

Crinoids are closely related to starfish, sea cucumbers, sand dollars, and sea urchins, which brings us to Finn’s suggestion. Finn suggested urchins, which are also echinoderms. In fact, at the end of episode 79 I mentioned that one day I’d do an episode about urchins, and it only took me six years to get here!

Many urchins look like living pincushions because they’re covered in spines. That’s where the name urchin comes from, in fact. Hedgehogs, which are little round mammals with spiny backs that we talked about in episode 126, were called urchins in the olden days. Some people call the echinoderm type of urchin the sea urchin to distinguish it from the mammal type of urchin, and some people call the echinoderm urchin the sea hedgehog.

Urchins live throughout the world’s oceans, in shallow water or deep water, warm water and cold water, and there are almost a thousand species known to science. There are undoubtedly many more species yet to be discovered.

The typical urchin has a body shaped sort of like a little ball, but unlike most balls it has spines growing all over it. Depending on the species, the spines may be thin and sharp or thick and blunt. Some species even have venomous spines. Underneath, the urchin has a small area of its body that isn’t protected by spines. This is where its mouth is and its little tube feet that allow it to move around. Like crinoids and other echinoderms, it pumps water in and out of its tube feet to move them. It can also push itself off of surfaces with its spines to help it maneuver.

You may be wondering if, under its spines, an urchin has a soft body like a bouncy ball or a hard body like a baseball. Its body is actually hard, but not due to an exoskeleton. Echinoderms have an endoskeleton, meaning the hard parts of its body are on the inside like our bones are, not on the outside like a lobster’s armor. Instead of bones, echinoderms have tiny plates called ossicles that fit together like puzzle pieces and are covered with tough skin. The ossicles fit together to make the stem of a sea lily or a spiky ball in urchins, called a test.

If you look at an urchin, it’s pretty obvious it has no head or face. It’s just a little spiky ball with feet and a mouth underneath. But urchins can not only sense light and dark, at least some species can see images to some degree, and they see without eyes. Instead they have light-sensitive cells in their tube feet. Since the tube feet aren’t just for walking, and most urchins have tube feet in between spines as well as underneath, it can keep a lookout for danger with some of its feet while it’s walking around or eating with its other feet.

Unlike its crinoid cousins, the urchin isn’t a filter feeder. It mainly it eats algae and kelp but it will also eat lots of small animals, including crinoids. Its spines help keep it safe from being eaten by larger predators, but lobsters, crabs, and some kinds of starfish aren’t very worried about the spines and will eat urchins without any trouble.

One animal that specializes in eating urchins is the sea otter. The sea otter loves to eat urchins, and is good at flipping them over and biting them on their unprotected underside, or just hitting them with a rock to break off the spines. It cracks the poor urchin open like a nut and gobbles up the insides.

Because urchins like to eat kelp, and otters like to eat urchins, the kelp forests off the coast of California have always had a lot of both animals. But about a decade ago now, starting in about 2013, several things happened to alter the balance of kelp and urchin and otter. First, a disease caused the sunflower sea star to die off in great numbers, and in fact it’s still critically endangered as a result. Since that’s a type of starfish that eats a whole lot of urchins, the urchin population exploded. The next year, 2014, a heatwave over the west coast of North America caused a lot of kelp to stop growing. Kelp needs cold water to thrive. The hordes of urchins started chomping down on as much kelp as they could find, decimating more than 80% of the kelp forests in northern California before scientists even realized what was happening.

The urchin in question is the purple urchin, which lives along the eastern coast of North America. Its spines are purple and it can grow up to 4 inches across, or 10 cm. Sea otters love purple urchins so much that sometimes their teeth turn purplish in color from eating so many.

The sea otters responded to the population explosion by turning into urchin-eating maniacs, eating up to four times as many urchins as usual. The problem is that the sea otter population is still rebounding from being hunted nearly to extinction in the early 20th century, and they’re still an endangered species. There just weren’t enough otters to eat all the urchins.

Scientists studying the situation noticed something strange. The otters were only eating urchins where the kelp forests were still healthy. They ignored all the millions of urchins where the kelp forests had been eaten down to the ground, even though the urchins didn’t have anywhere to hide from hungry otters. The scientists discovered that the urchins in what they called urchin barrens were basically starving to death. There were far too many urchins and no food left for them to eat. That meant they weren’t as nutritious, so the otters didn’t bother to eat them.

The result was actually positive. The balance of urchins and sea otters and healthy kelp was maintained, so the urchin barrens didn’t get any worse. The kelp forests will rebound, although it will take a long time. Everybody say hello to the otters, and goodbye to all the extra urchins.

You can find Strange Animals Podcast online at strangeanimalspodcast.com. We’re on Twitter at strangebeasties and have a facebook page at facebook.com/strangeanimalspodcast. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions for future episodes, email us at strangeanimalspodcast@gmail.com. If you like the podcast and want to help us out, leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts or whatever platform you listen on. We also have a Patreon if you’d like to support us that way.

Thanks for listening!

Episode 394: Mantis Shrimp!

Thanks to Anbo and Siya for suggesting the mantis shrimp this week!

The Kickstarter for some animal-themed enamel pins is still going on!

Further reading:

Rolling with the punches: How mantis shrimp defend against high-speed strikes

The magnificent peacock mantis shrimp [picture by Cédric Péneau, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=117431670]:

Show transcript:

Welcome to Strange Animals Podcast. I’m your host, Kate Shaw.

As invertebrate August continues, this week we have a topic suggested by Anbo and Siya. They both wanted to learn about the mantis shrimp!

The mantis shrimp, which is properly called a stomatopod, is a crustacean that looks sort of like a lobster without the bulky front end, or a really big crayfish. Despite its name, it’s not a shrimp although it is related to shrimps, but it’s more closely related to lobsters and crabs. It can grow as much as 18 inches long, or 46 cm, but most are about half that size. Most are brown but there are hundreds of different species and some are various brighter colors like pink, blue, orange, red, or bright green, or a rainbow of colors and patterns.

There are two things almost everyone knows about the mantis shrimp. One, it can punch so hard with its claws that it breaks aquarium glass, and two, it has 12 to 16 types of photoreceptor cells compared to 3 that humans have, and therefore it must be able to see colors humans can’t possibly imagine.

One of those things is right, but one is wrong, or at least partially wrong. We’ll discuss both in a minute, but first let’s learn the basics about these fascinating animals.

The mantis shrimp lives in shallow water and spends most of its time in a burrow that it digs either in the sea floor or in crevices in rocks or coral, which it enlarges if necessary. Some species will dig elaborate tunnel systems while others just wedge themselves into any old crack that will hide them. It molts its exoskeleton periodically as it grows, like other crustaceans, and after that it either has to expand its burrow or move to a larger one. Most species live in tropical or subtropical areas, but some prefer more temperate waters.

It has eight pairs of legs, which includes three pairs of walking legs, four pairs with claws that help it grasp items, and its front pair, which are hinged and look a little like the front legs of a praying mantis. That’s where the “mantis” in mantis shrimp comes from, although of course it has lots of other names worldwide. In some places it’s called the thumb splitter.

The mantis shrimp has two eyes on stalks that move independently. Its brain extends into the eye stalks, and the section of the brain in the eye stalks, called the reniform body, is what processes vision. This allows it to process a lot of visual information very quickly. Reniform bodies have also been identified in the brains of some other crustaceans, including shrimp, crayfish, and some crabs. Scientists also think that the eyes themselves do a lot of visual processing before that information gets to the reniform body or the brain at all. In other words, part of the reason the mantis shrimp’s eyes are so complicated and so unusual compared to other animals’ eyes is because each eye is sort of a tiny additional brain that mainly processes color.

The typical human eye can only sense three wavelengths of light, which correspond to red, green, and blue. The mantis shrimp has twelve different photoreceptors instead of three, meaning it can sense twelve wavelengths of light, and some species have even more photoreceptors. But while our brains are really good at synthesizing the three wavelengths of light we can see, combining them so that we see incredibly fine gradations of color in between red, green, and blue, the mantis shrimp doesn’t process color the same way we do. So while its eyes can sense colors we can’t, its brain doesn’t seem to do anything with the color information. The eyes themselves process the colors to determine if an object is important or dangerous or food or whatever, and the determination of the object is the part that’s important to the brain, not what the actual color is.

Maybe by the year 2124, you can go into an eye clinic and have those extra sensors added to your eyes so you can see more colors, because a human brain knows exactly what to do with extra color information. We use it to make art.

Mantis shrimp can see ultraviolet light, which we talked about in episode 369. To be clear, we didn’t specifically talk about mantis shrimp in that episode, just UV light. At least six species of mantis shrimp can also see polarized light, with at least one species, the purple spot mantis shrimp, capable of dynamic polarization vision. (I don’t know what that means.) When sunlight reaches our earth’s atmosphere, the light waves are affected by earth’s magnetic field and the atmosphere itself. This scatters the light, causing it to travel in a sort of spiral. A lot of animals can sense light polarization, like bees and octopuses, which allows them to navigate more accurately. Mantis shrimp have patterns on their bodies that reflect polarized light in certain ways, so scientists think that’s one way mantis shrimp identify each other while staying hidden from most animals, which either can’t sense polarized light at all or can only sense it faintly.

So we must ask ourselves: If the mantis shrimp doesn’t use its multiple photoreceptors to see color, what does it use them for? We’re not fully sure yet, but scientists have some suggestions. The fertility of a female mantis shrimp depends on the tidal cycle, which is dependent on the phase of the moon, but if you live underwater and spend most of the time in a burrow, you can’t exactly look up at the moon easily or check how big the waves are. The female fluoresces when she’s fertile, though, and she fluoresces at a wavelength that the male can see but other animals can’t.

So it’s not completely accurate to say that the mantis shrimp can see colors we can’t even imagine, because there’s a difference in the eye seeing something and the brain processing it. But that means that the other mantis shrimp fact is completely true, that its claws are so strong that it can crack aquarium glass. But it’s more complicated than it sounds, because different mantis shrimp species have different abilities.

Mantis shrimp that hunt fish are called spearers, because the ends of their front pair of legs have a barbed spike that the mantis shrimp uses to spear the fish. Mantis shrimp that eat clams and other animals with hard shells are called smashers, and instead of spikes, the ends of their front pair of legs have a hammer-like club that the mantis shrimp uses to punch its prey. Both spearers and smashers can move their front legs incredibly fast, literally at the speed that a bullet leaves the barrel of a gun, with a correspondingly strong amount of force when the leg connects with something.

Moving the legs so fast also causes a small shock wave in the water, which can kill a small animal even if the mantis shrimp misses hitting it. The shock wave is actually what the mantis shrimp uses to smash the shells of clams and other hard-shelled prey, and it also uses the shock wave to smash pieces of coral or rock when it wants to enlarge its burrow. Its body has multiple layers of tissue that absorb the shock wave so it won’t damage the mantis shrimp itself.

Smashing or spearing so fast costs the mantis shrimp a lot of energy, so if it feels threatened by a potential predator it will spread its arms wide to look intimidating before it actually resorts to striking. That’s when it earns the name thumb splitter. That’s also the main reason why it isn’t very common for people to eat mantis shrimp even though they’re perfectly edible to humans and reportedly taste like lobster. They’re just too hard to catch and kill safely.

Some species of mantis shrimp mate for life, with some bonded pairs staying together for decades. Depending on the species, both parents take care of the eggs, or the female takes care of the eggs and the male brings her food. In one species, the female lays two bunches of eggs. She takes care of one bunch, while the male takes care of the other.

Many species of mantis shrimp are territorial, and if one enters another’s territory, the two may end up fighting. When you can punch as hard as a mantis shrimp, you need a good defense. During fights, the mantis shrimp coils its tail in front of its body to act as a shield. The tail is well armored, but the armor is layered to absorb and dissipate energy from punches.

The peacock mantis shrimp is the one that most people have heard about. It’s even one of the creatures you can catch in Animal Crossing by diving. It’s metallic green and blue with orange legs, purple eyes, and white spots, so some aquarium keepers love having one on display. The problem is that they will kill and eat pretty much anything else kept in the same tank, will smash up any rocks or coral in the tank too, and yes, they will even smash the aquarium glass—which is exceptionally strong in big aquariums, more like a car window than a window in your house. Sometimes an aquarium keeper will use a rock from the ocean to decorate the aquarium, and only find out too late that there’s a peacock mantis shrimp already living in a crevice in the rock. Then all they can do is take the rock back to the ocean, because getting a mantis shrimp out of its rock safely is pretty much impossible.

You can find Strange Animals Podcast at strangeanimalspodcast.blubrry.net. That’s blueberry without any E’s. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions for future episodes, email us at strangeanimalspodcast@gmail.com. We also have a Patreon at patreon.com/strangeanimalspodcast if you’d like to support us for as little as one dollar a month and get monthly bonus episodes.

Thanks for listening!

Episode 393: Little Spiders

Thanks to Siya, Zachary, Khalil, and Eilee for their suggestions this week!

The enamel pin Kickstarter goes live on Wednesday, August 14, 2024!!

Further reading:

How spiders breathe under water: Spider’s diving bell performs like gill extracting oxygen from water

Aggressive spiders are quick at making accurate decisions, better at hunting unpredictable preys

Into the Spider-Verse: A young biologist shares her love for eight-legged creatures

A New Genus of Prodidominae Cave Spider from a Paleoburrow and Ferruginous Caves in Brazil

The diving bell spider [photo from this paper]:

Jumping spiders are incredibly cute, even the ones that eat other spiders [photo taken from this excellent site]:

The spoor spider’s web looks like a cloven hoofprint in the sand [photo by JMK – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=39988887]:

Show transcript:

Welcome to Strange Animals Podcast. I’m your host, Kate Shaw.

I’m excited this week, because on Wednesday my little Kickstarter to fund getting more enamel pins made goes live, and also we’re talking about some weird and fascinating spiders! Thanks to Siya, Zachary, Khalil, and Eilee for their spider suggestions!

A lot of people are afraid of spiders, but don’t worry. All the spiders in this episode are small and completely harmless unless you are a bug. Also, they probably live very far away from you. Personally, I think most spiders are cute.

Let’s start with a spider suggested by Siya, who pointed out that we don’t actually have very many episodes about spiders. Siya suggested we learn about the diving bell spider, a tiny, remarkable animal that lives in parts of Europe and Asia.

The diving bell spider gets its name because it mostly lives underwater but still needs to breathe air, so it brings air with it into the water. A diving bell made by humans is a structure shaped sort of like a big bell that can be lowered straight down into the water on a cable. If the diving bell doesn’t tip to one side or another, the air inside it stays inside and allows a human diver to take breaths without coming to the surface. A diving bell made by spiders is made of silk but is shaped sort of the same, with an entrance at the bottom. The spider builds its bell among water plants to anchor it and keep it hidden. The spider brings air from the surface to replenish the supply of air inside the bell.

The spider does this by surfacing briefly. Its belly and legs are covered with tiny water-repellent hairs, and after surfacing the hairs trap air, so that when it dives back into the water it’s covered with little silvery bubbles. It swims down to its diving bell and rubs the bubbles off its body, which rise into the bell and are trapped there by the closely woven silk. Then it goes back to the surface for more air.

Once the bell is full of air, the spider only needs to replenish the air supply about once a day under normal circumstances. That’s because the bell itself acts as a sort of external gill. It’s able to absorb oxygen from the water quite efficiently, but it still loses volume slowly because nitrogen from the air diffuses into the water. If not for that, the spider probably wouldn’t need to come to the surface at all.

The diving bell is the spider’s home, especially for the female. Unlike most spiders, the female diving bell spider is much smaller than the male and she hunts differently. The male is an active hunter, swimming quickly to catch tiny animals like mosquito larvae, so he’s large and strong but only has a small diving bell. The female spends most of her time in her diving bell and only swims out to catch animals that come too close, or occasionally to replenish the air in her bell.

When the spider leaves its diving bell to hunt, air bubbles remain trapped on its abdomen, which allows it to breathe while it’s hunting too. Then it can dart back to its bell to get more air or hide if it needs to.

When a male finds a female, he will build his diving bell near hers. If she doesn’t object, he’ll build a little tunnel between the two bells so he can visit her more easily. The pair will mate in the female’s bell and she either attaches her egg sac to the inside wall of her bell or will build a little addition onto her bell that acts as a nursery.

The diving bell spider is gray or black in color and even a big male only grows about 15 mm long, head and body size together. His legs are longer. In the water the spiders appear silver because of the bubbles attached to their bodies.

The spider used to be common throughout much of Asia and Europe, but its numbers are in decline due to pollution and habitat loss, since it needs slow-moving streams, ponds, marshes, and other clean freshwater with aquatic plants to survive. It will bite if it feels threatened and some people claim that its bite is painful and leads to symptoms like fever, but there’s not a lot of evidence for the bite being dangerous or even all that painful to humans.

Next, Zachary suggested the Portia spider, and pointed out that it demonstrates “uniquely intelligent hunting.” If it weren’t such a tiny spider, it might be scary because it’s so smart. Fortunately for humans, not only is it even smaller than the diving bell spider, with even a big female no more than 10 mm long counting her head and body together, it’s a spider that eats other spiders.

There are 17 species of portia spider currently known, living in parts of Africa, Asia, Australia, and a lot of islands in southeast Asia. It’s a type of jumping spider and can jump as much as 6 inches, or 15 cm, from a complete standstill. It’s mostly brown with mottled darker and lighter markings that make it look like a bit of dead leaf when it’s standing still. It also has flaps on its legs that help it look less like a spider too.

Looking like a bit of dead leaf helps the Portia spider keep from being eaten by birds and frogs, but it also helps it when hunting prey spiders. Unlike almost all other spiders, the portia spider can travel on the webs of pretty much any species of spider without getting stuck. It will creep into another spider’s web and sneak up on it very slowly, or pretend to be a stuck insect to lure it closer. Most spiders don’t see very well, so they don’t identify the portia as a predatory spider. They either think it’s just a leaf stuck in its web or an insect, until it’s too late.

The portia spider will try many different ways to catch a spider. If one doesn’t work it will use another method, and will continue to try new methods and combinations of methods until it outsmarts the prey spider and can jump on it. The methods it uses can be incredibly complex and often require the portia spider to move away from the prey spider or even out of view of it, but it can remember exactly where the prey spider is and what it wants to do to approach it. Remember, this is an animal about the size of one of your fingernails. It has a teeny brain!

In captive studies, portia spiders are observed to be more or less aggressive depending on the individual. The more aggressive spiders tend to do a better job hunting prey with unpredictable behaviors, while the less aggressive spiders are more patient.

When the portia spider walks, it does so arrhythmically, which helps it imitate a dead leaf being moved by the wind. Some spiders are so nervous of portia spiders that if they sense an arrhythmic movement on their web, even if it’s not a portia spider, they’ll run and hide. For that matter, the portia spider will take advantage of wind and other natural occurrences to get closer to their prey.

In addition to active hunting, female portia spiders will also build funnel webs to catch insects. You know, kind of a side hustle. Any portia spider will spin a simple web to hide behind to rest. Portia spiders are also social, sharing food and even living together.

When the male portia spider wants to find a mate, he spins a little web near a female’s web and shakes his legs to attract the female. If she likes him, she’ll drum on his web to let him know. However, in most species, mating is a death sentence for the male. Remember how last week we talked about the praying mantis and how sometimes the female will actually eat the male after or even during mating? Well, that’s true for most species of portia spider too. In some species the female almost always eats the male. He gets to pass his genes along to the next generation, and she gets a good meal to help her grow healthy eggs.

Next, Leo’s friend Khalil suggested the wandering spider. This is the name given to a big family of spiders that live throughout much of the world. Most of them are quite large and look like tarantulas, especially the Brazilian wandering spider, also called the banana spider. It can have a head and body length of two inches, or about 5 cm, but a legspan of up to 7 inches, or 18 cm. That’s a lot of spider, and this week we’re talking about small spiders, but let’s take a quick detour and find out if the banana spider really is sometimes found in bunches of bananas sold in stores.

The banana spider lives in Brazil and other parts of northern South America and Central America, and that’s where a lot of the world’s bananas are grown. I couldn’t find any good estimates of how many bananas are exported every year, but the United States is the biggest importer of bananas. I’m going to switch completely to imperial measurements for a moment because the amounts I’m about to talk about make no logical sense anyway. About four bananas add up to one pound of weight, and 2000 pounds make up one ton. That means one ton of bananas is approximately 8,000 bananas. In 2023, over 5 million tons of bananas were imported to the United States. That is at least 40 billion bananas!

In comparison, no one seems to be tracking how many spiders are found hiding in banana bunches, but one paper from 2014 documented that of 135 spiders submitted to the scientists for study as having been found in all international shipments, of bananas and everything else, only seven were actually banana spiders. The rest were other kinds of spider, most of them completely harmless. When one is found it gets into the news because it’s so rare.

Spiders don’t live inside the banana peel anyway, and they don’t eat bananas. It’s just that bunches of bananas make good hiding places, and the spiders don’t know that people are going to chop the whole bunch down without even noticing a hidden spider. By the time the bananas get to the store, the big bunches have been cut up into little bunches of a few bananas each, which isn’t a great hiding space for a big spider. So your bananas are safe.

Anyway, the smallest wandering spider is probably in the genus Acanthonoctenus, which are native to Central and South America. A big female only grows about 15 mm long, head and body measured together, although her legspan is much larger. There are other wandering spiders with about the same body size in various genera. The problem is, there are hundreds of known species of wandering spider and probably a lot more that haven’t been discovered yet, but not a lot of people are studying them. We don’t know a whole lot about the smallest species because they’re harder to find and therefore harder to study. Many species have only ever had a single specimen collected. So if you want to become an arachnologist, you might look into wandering spiders for your specialization. Many of them are absolutely gorgeous, with striped legs and bright colors.

Like some other spiders, many Acanthonoctenus spiders will hide on a leaf or tree trunk by lying flat and stretching four of its legs out in front of it and the other four legs behind it. This makes it less spider shaped when a bird or lizard is looking around trying to find a snack.

Next, Eilee suggested the spoor spider, the name for Seothyra, a genus of spiders that live in sandy areas in southern Africa. Females grow up to 15 mm long, head and body together, while males grow up to 12 mm long and are usually considerably smaller than the females. The female can be brown, gray, or tan and may have stripes on her abdomen, while the male is more brightly colored. He can be yellow and black with a rusty-red head, sometimes with white spots on his abdomen.

The male spends most of his time running around finding food, and since he looks a lot like a type of wasp called the velvet ant, he’s in less danger than you’d think considering he’s active during the day. The female spends almost all of her life in an elaborate web that she builds into the sand.

The female excavates a burrow in the sand that can be as much as 6 inches deep, or 15 cm, lined with silk to keep it from collapsing. She gets sand out of the burrow as she constructs it by spinning little silk bags around the sand to carry it out. She leaves the bags of sand around the entrance, and once the burrow is finished, she incorporates the sandbags into the web itself. She spins web sheets and mixes them with sand to make mats around the burrow’s opening, which is hidden, and the spider can lift the web sheets to go in and out. Ideally she stays in the same burrow her whole life, repairing it as needed, because while it’s not an especially big web, it takes her a lot of energy to make.

The female puts sticky strands of silk around the edges of the web, then retreats to the underside of the web sheet or into the burrow if it’s too hot. When an insect gets stuck on the silk, she darts out and kills it, then takes it into her burrow to eat. Mostly she eats ants.

The name spoor spider, also called buck spoor spider, comes from the shape of the female’s web. In most species, the web sheet has two sides in a shallow depression in the sand. Since the web is also covered with and incorporates sand to hide it, the little depression with a rounded double shape at the bottom looks an awful lot like the footprint of an animal with a cloven hoof. The word “spoor” is a term indicating an animal’s track.

The spoor spider female only produces one egg sac in her life, and takes care of it in her burrow until the babies hatch. Then she takes care of the babies by gradually liquefying her own internal organs and regurgitating the liquid so the babies can eat it. When all her organs are gone she dies, naturally, and the babies eat the remainder of her body before venturing out into the world on their own.

Fossilized web sheets very similar to the modern spoor spider’s web have been found dating back 16 million years. Most spiderwebs can’t fossilize, but most spiderwebs aren’t built partly out of sand.

Finally, let’s finish up with a newly discovered spider from South America. I learned about it from Zeke Darwin, a science teacher who makes really interesting videos on TikTok. The spider has been described as a new species, named Paleotoca, and was discovered in Brazil. We know very little about it so far so I don’t have much information to share, but it’s so interesting that I just had to include it.

Paleotoca is pale yellow, although its abdomen has very little pigmentation, and its head and body together measure barely 2 mm. It doesn’t have eyes. You might be able to guess where it lives from its lack of eyes and lack of pigment in its body, but I bet I’m going to surprise you anyway. Paleotoca does live in caves, but technically these caves are burrows. It’s just that the burrows where it lives are extremely large, dug into the sides of hills thousands of years ago by giant ground sloths before they went extinct.

Luckily for the spider, there are also some natural caves in the area and at least one of the spiders has been found living in one. So little Paleotoca isn’t in danger of going extinct just because the burrow-builders are gone.

You can find Strange Animals Podcast at strangeanimalspodcast.blubrry.net. That’s blueberry without any E’s. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions for future episodes, email us at strangeanimalspodcast@gmail.com. We also have a Patreon at patreon.com/strangeanimalspodcast if you’d like to support us for as little as one dollar a month and get monthly bonus episodes.

Thanks for listening!


Episode 392: Moon Jellyfish, Kung Fu Mantis, and Octocorals

Thanks to Kari and Joel for their suggestions this week! You can find Kari Lavelle’s excellent book Butt or Face? Volume 2: Revenge of the Butts at any bookstore.

Our Kickstarter for some enamel pins goes live in just over a week if you’re interested!

Further reading:

Jellyfish size might influence their nutritional value

History of Taiji Mantis

Glowing octocorals have been around for at least 540 million years

The moon jellyfish [photo by Alexander Vasenin – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=32753304]:

A Chinese mantis [photo by Ashley Bradford, taken from this site]:

Also a Chinese mantis:

A type of octocoral:

Show transcript:

Welcome to Strange Animals Podcast. I’m your host, Kate Shaw.

It’s finally Invertebrate August! We have some great episodes coming up this month, so let’s get started. Thanks to Kari and Joel for their suggestions this week!

First, we’ll start with an invertebrate from Kari Lavelle’s latest book, Butt or Face? Volume 2: Revenge of the Butts! It’s a sequel to the hilarious and really interesting book we talked about last summer. Kari kindly sent me a copy of the book and it’s just as good as the first one. Don’t worry, I won’t spoil the answer of whether the picture in the book is of an animal’s butt or face, but let’s talk about the moon jellyfish.

We’ve talked about jellyfish in several previous episodes, most recently in episode 343. Moon jellyfish is the term for jellies in the genus Aurelia, all of which look so identical that it takes close study by an expert, or a genetic test, to determine which species is which. We’re going to talk about a specific species in this episode, Aurelia aurita, but most of what we’ll learn about it also applies to the other moon jelly species.

Aurelia aurita lives in temperate, shallow water and is often found in harbors and close to shore. It’s mostly transparent and can grow up to 16 inches across, or 40 cm, although most are smaller. It’s sometimes called the saucer jelly because when its bell is open, it’s shaped sort of like a saucer or shallow bowl, if the bowl was upside down in the water with pinkish-white internal organs inside and short stinging tentacles. That’s most bowls, I think.

Unlike a lot of jellyfish, the moon jelly doesn’t have long tentacles that hang down from the middle of the bell. Instead, its tentacles are short and thin and line the edges of the bell. There are hundreds of them, but while the tentacles do have stinging cells, they’re not very strong. If you were to pet a moon jelly, you probably wouldn’t even feel the stings but you’d probably get sticky digestive mucus on your hands from the tentacles. The mucus is sticky to trap tiny pieces of food, which can include everything from fish eggs and various types of larvae to microscopic animals called diatoms and rotifers.

The moon jellyfish can survive in water with low oxygen, and in fact it prefers low oxygen water. Since most larger marine animals that live near the surface need a lot of oxygen to survive, the moon jelly can safely find its tiny food in low-oxygen areas without worrying too much about predators. Actually the moon jellyfish doesn’t worry about much of anything, because like other jellies, technically it doesn’t have a brain, just a nerve net.

Speaking of predators, for a long time scientists have wondered why anything bothers to eat jellies. They’re mostly water, which makes them easy for other animals to digest, but they contain almost no nutritional value. A study published in March 2023 determined that the bigger the jellyfish is, the more fatty acids its body contains, and fatty acids are an important nutrient. The main difference between a little jelly and a big jelly (besides size) is what they eat, so scientists think the bigger jellies are eating prey that contain more fatty acids, which slowly accumulate in the jelly’s body too.

Next, Joel sent a bunch of excellent suggestions for invertebrates, so many good ones I had trouble choosing which one to put in this episode. I chose the kung fu mantis because I love the Kung Fu Panda movies and think Mantis is an awesome character who is not appreciated enough.

Everyone loves praying mantises and we’ve talked about various species in different episodes, most recently episode 375. The one we’re talking about today is specifically called the Chinese mantis, Tenodera sinensis, which is native to Asia but which is invasive in parts of North America. It grows over 4 inches long, or about 11 cm, and is brown and green in color. It has a yellow spot between its raptorial arms, which as you can guess from the “raptor” part of that word are the arms with the big spikes that help it catch and kill its prey.

The reason this mantis is also called the kung fu mantis is because its ferocity and grace when hunting inspired a style of martial arts in China hundreds of years ago. The story goes that a great hero called Wang Lang was defeated in a duel, and afterwards set himself to study and train harder. One day he noticed a bird trying to catch a praying mantis, but the mantis was so skilled in defending itself against a much larger opponent that the bird eventually gave up and flew away. Wang Lang was inspired to incorporate the mantis’s movements into kung fu, and afterwards he never lost a duel.

Like other mantises, the Chinese mantis will eat pretty much anything it can catch. That’s mostly insects and spiders, but occasionally it will eat frogs and other amphibians, lizards and other reptiles, and occasionally even small birds. It’s a good insect to have around the garden because it eats so many garden pests, but it also eats bees and butterflies, which isn’t so good for the gardener. The Chinese mantis also eats other mantises, which is a problem in North America where it will kill and eat the native mantis species. But because the Chinese mantis is easy to keep in captivity, if you order mantises to release in your garden in the United States, as a natural pest control, there’s a good chance that the species is actually the Chinese mantis. The native Carolina mantis looks very similar but is smaller, only about 2.5 inches long, or 6 cm.

The Chinese mantis also eats other Chinese mantises. You may have heard about how the praying mantis female will bite the male’s head right off after or even while they’re in the process of mating, and then she’ll just eat him up for a nice big meal to help her develop her eggs. This is actually something that happens, although not always. In the case of the Chinese mantis, scientific observations have found that the female eats the male about half the time.

Let’s finish with a type of coral you may not have heard of, octocoral, also called soft coral. We’ve mentioned corals lots of times in various episodes but we haven’t really discussed them in detail. When most people think of coral they think of stony corals that make up coral reefs. Most corals are colonial animals, meaning each individual polyp grows together in a group, and stony coral polyps form a type of exoskeleton or shell made of calcium carbonate to protect its soft body. The polyps have small tentacles that they extend into the water to catch plankton and other particles of food, although some species are larger and can even grab little fish. The tentacles contain stinging cells called nematocysts that can stun or even kill small animals. As the colony grows, with old polyps dying and young polyps attaching to the hard skeletons left behind, the reef gets larger and larger as the years pass.

Not all stony corals live in shallow warm water and build reefs. Some live in cold water and deeper water, and there are even deep-sea corals, and these types of coral don’t build reefs. Octocorals don’t build reefs and are found in both shallow and deep water, and they don’t form hard skeletons.

Instead, the polyps of octocoral form a soft tissue full of tiny channels that allow water through. Octocorals are colonial, so the tissue of each polyp blurps together with those of all the other polyps around it. Some species of octocoral secrete little pieces of harder material to help the tissue keep its shape, but most species are still overall quite soft. It’s strong, though, and the tiny channels through it allow water to carry nutrients to all the polyps.

The octocoral gets its name because it has exactly eight tentacles, although the tentacles are feathery in appearance with lots of little branches growing off the main tentacle. This allows it to catch more tiny food. Some octocorals have long, elaborate tentacles, which has earned them the names sea fans and sea pens, from the old-timey days when pens were made from big feathers.

Corals in general appear in the fossil record for about half a billion years, with stony corals more likely to preserve for obvious reasons. Many species of octocoral exhibit bioluminescence, and that leads us to a recent study, published in April 2024.

Until this new study, scientists estimated that the first bioluminescent creatures lived around 250 million years ago. Bioluminescence has evolved separately over 100 times, though, and is found today in animals as different as fungus and fish. For the new study, scientists analyzed the genetics of 185 octocoral species to see how they were related, and then compared their findings with fossil corals to learn more about when the species split from their common ancestors. That gave them a good idea of when octocorals might have evolved originally and hinted at which ancestors were bioluminescent. They estimated that the first octocoral evolved around 540 million years ago and was already bioluminescent!

The scientists who worked on the study suggest that bioluminescence may have developed originally as a byproduct of other chemical reactions, but it was useful to the animal by possibly attracting food or other octocorals. Bioluminescence is common in marine animals these days, especially in deep-sea animals, so it’s possible that the ocean half a billion years ago was filled with lights from octocorals and many other organisms.

You can find Strange Animals Podcast at strangeanimalspodcast.blubrry.net. That’s blueberry without any E’s. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions for future episodes, email us at strangeanimalspodcast@gmail.com. We also have a Patreon at patreon.com/strangeanimalspodcast if you’d like to support us for as little as one dollar a month and get monthly bonus episodes.

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