Episode 397: Some Colorful Fishies

Thanks to Cosmo, William, and Silas for their fishy suggestions this week!

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Further reading:

The Handfish Conservation Project

Researchers Look in Tank and See Promising Cluster of Near-Extinct Babies

The unique visual systems of deep sea fish

A red handfish:

Another red handfish. This one is named Hector:

The black dragon fish:

The white-edged freshwater whipray [photo by Doni Susanto]:

Show transcript:

Welcome to Strange Animals Podcast. I’m your host, Kate Shaw.

This week we return to the vertebrate world, specifically some strange and colorful fishies. Thanks to William, Cosmo, and Silas for their suggestions!

We’ll start with Silas’s suggestion, the red handfish. We talked about it before back in episode 189, but it’s definitely time to revisit it. When we last discussed it, scientists estimated there were fewer than 100 red handfish left in the wild, meaning it was in imminent danger of extinction. Let’s find out how it’s doing now, four years later.

The handfish gets its name because its pectoral fins look like big flat hands. It spends most of its time on the sea floor, and it uses its hands to walk instead of swimming. It can swim, although it’s not a very strong swimmer, and anyway if you had great big hands you might choose to walk on them too. It doesn’t have a swim bladder, which helps most fish stay buoyant.

All species of handfish are small, only growing to about 6 inches long at most, or 15 cm. This is surprising considering the handfish is closely related to anglerfish, and some anglerfish can grow over 3 feet long, or about a meter.

As for the red handfish specifically, it generally only grows about 4 inches long at most, or 10 cm, and it once lived in shallow water around much of Australia. These days, it’s only found on two reefs southeast of Tasmania. Some populations are bright red while some are pink with red spots. It has a wide downturned mouth that makes it look like a grumpy red toad with big hands.

So how is the red handfish doing? Four years ago it was almost extinct in wild, with fewer than 100 individuals alive. These days the Handfish Conservation Project estimates that the wild population is probably about the same, although because the red handfish is so small and hides so well among sea grass, algae, and rocks that make up its home, it’s hard to get a good count of how many are really alive. It’s also under even more pressure than before as an overpopulation of urchins is overgrazing the plants where it lives, which may sound familiar to you if you listened to episode 395 a few weeks ago. But there is one fantastic change that gives conservationists hope that the red handfish won’t go extinct after all.

The red handfish is so endangered, and its remaining habitat is so small, that a few years ago scientists decided they needed to start a captive breeding program. But even though the fish did just fine in captivity, they didn’t breed at first. Then, in November 2023, one of the fish laid 21 eggs and all 21 hatched safely. Hopefully it won’t be long until the babies are old enough to release into the wild.

The red handfish is one of very few fish that hatch into tiny baby fish instead of into a larval form. Newly hatched babies are only about 5 mm long. Most fish colonize new habitats after they float around aimlessly as larvae, until they grow enough to metamorphose into adults. Since the red handfish doesn’t have this larval stage, and babies just walk around on the sea floor finding tiny worms and other food, it’s hard for the fish to expand its range. Hopefully, as the captive breeding program continues and more young fish are released into the wild, scientists can start releasing red handfish into areas where they used to live.

Next, William asked about the dragon fish. We’ve talked about a few dragonfish before, in episodes 193 and 231, but there are lots of species in many genera in the family Stomiidae. Many have barbels with photophores at the end that lure prey, and most have long needle-like teeth and jaws that can open incredibly wide. They also have stretchy stomachs so they can hold whatever they manage to catch. As you may have guessed from these traits, the dragon fish lives in the deep sea where there’s little or no light from the surface.

You may wonder why deep-sea fish even have eyes if there’s no light. Fish that live in cave systems eventually evolve to be eyeless, since they don’t need their eyes to see and growing eyes is just a waste of their energy. It’s because even though there’s no sunlight in the deep sea, there is light from lots of different organisms. Many, many deep-sea animals produce bioluminescent light to attract mates or trick smaller animals into coming closer.

Any sunlight that does find its way to the depths of the ocean is blue, because blue has the shortest wavelength and can travel farther. Red wavelengths are longest so that red is the first color lost when you start descending into the water. One article that I’ve linked to in the show notes mentions that if a diver gets a cut, the blood looks brown or even black if the water is deep enough. That’s creepy.

As a result, deep-sea fish are most sensitive to the color blue. Most of them can’t perceive red at all because there just isn’t any red in their environment. And that’s where the dragon fish comes in, because some species of dragon fish can not only see red, they produce red light that illuminates everything around them. A fish or other animal swimming along has no idea that it’s lit up like it’s under a red spotlight because it can’t even see that color.

At least one species, the black dragon fish, perceives red light very differently from the way other animals do. As far as we know it’s unique among all animals. Its eyes contain a photosensitizer derived from chlorophyll, which allows it to see shorter lightwaves. Chlorophyll is found in plants and some bacteria, and it’s actually a specialized pigment that absorbs energy from light. It’s the reason why plants are green. But the black dragonfish uses the chlorophyll it digests to perceive red light.

But remember how dragon fish have giant sharp fangs and will eat pretty much anything they can swallow? Where does the black dragon fish get the chlorophyll it needs? There aren’t any plants in the deep sea anyway.

The answer seems to be that the black dragon fish eats a whole lot of copepods, tiny crustaceans that live throughout the world. The particular species of copepods that the black dragon fish prefers contain a type of chlorophyll.

Finally, Cosmo wanted to learn about the freshwater stingray. We talked about it in episode 296, but mostly we concentrated on the South American fish in that episode. There are freshwater stingrays that live in other parts of the world, such as Asia. This includes the white-edge freshwater whipray, which is extremely rare and only found in four rivers in Southeast Asia.

The white-edge freshwater whipray grows up to two feet across, or 60 cm, with a thin tail about two and a half times longer than the body itself so that technically it can grow around 6 and a half feet long, or 2 meters. Most of that length is tail, though. It’s mostly brown so it can hide in the sandy mud at the bottom of the river, with black dermal denticles down the middle of its back. The tail is mostly white, though, and has two long stinging spines that can be over 3 inches long, or 8 cm.

While the white-edged whipray lives in rivers, it can also tolerate brackish water where the ocean and the river waters mix. It eats small animals it finds on the bottom of the river, including crustaceans and mollusks. It’s endangered due to habitat loss, overfishing, and pollution.

The white-edged whipray is so rare these days that it’s unlikely that anyone would accidentally step on one in the water. But if they did, the ray would whip its long tail up and jab the spines into the person’s leg or foot. The spines can do a lot of damage on their own, but the venom they inject makes the wound incredibly painful and can even potentially kill the person.

If you plan to do some wading in a South Asian river anytime soon, make sure to shuffle your feet as you walk to scare away any potential whiprays before you step right on it.

You can find Strange Animals Podcast at strangeanimalspodcast.blubrry.net. That’s blueberry without any E’s. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions for future episodes, email us at strangeanimalspodcast@gmail.com. We also have a Patreon at patreon.com/strangeanimalspodcast if you’d like to support us for as little as one dollar a month and get monthly bonus episodes.

Thanks for listening!


Episode 396: Moths!

Thanks to Joel and an anonymous listener for their suggestions this week!

Further reading:

Dieback and recovery in poplar and attack by hornet clearwing moth

The enormous and beautiful Atlas moth:

A male hairy tentacle moth without and with coremata extended [photos from this site]:

The hornet moth looks like a hornet but can’t sting:

Show transcript:

Welcome to Strange Animals Podcast. I’m your host, Kate Shaw.

Welcome to September, where we’re mere weeks away from Monster Month! Invertebrate August is over for another year, but what’s this? An episode about moths?! Hurrah for one extra invertebrate episode, because they don’t get enough attention on this podcast! Thanks to Joel and an anonymous listener for their suggestions.

First, a listener who wants to remain anonymous suggested that we talk about moths in general, and the Atlas moth in particular. I like the Atlas moth because you can catch it in Animal Crossing. It’s also beautiful and one of the largest moths in the entire world. Its wingspan can be well over 10 inches across, or about 27 cm, which is bigger than a lot of bird wingspans.

The Atlas moth’s wings are mostly cinnamon brown with darker and lighter spots. The upper wings have a curved sort of hook at the top that’s lighter in color and has an eyespot. It looks remarkably like a snake head, and in fact if a predator approaches, the moth will move its wings so that it looks like a snake is rearing its head back to strike.

Despite having such huge wings, atlas moths don’t fly very well. That’s okay because they only need to be able to fly for a few days, which they mostly do at night. They’re only looking for a mate, not food, because they don’t even have fully formed mouthparts. They don’t eat as adults. Like many moths, they mate, lay eggs, and die.

A few weeks later, the eggs hatch and the baby caterpillars emerge. The caterpillar is pale green with little spikes all over, and it eats plants until it grows to around 4 and a half inches long, or about 11 and a half cm. At that point it spins a cocoon attached to a twig, hidden from potential predators by dead leaves that the caterpillar incorporates into the cocoon’s outside.

The Atlas moth lives in forests in southern Asia, including China, India, Indonesia, and Malaysia, with a subspecies native to Japan. Its cocoons are sometimes collected to use for silk. The silk isn’t as high a quality as the domesticated silk moth’s, but it’s very strong and since the cocoons are so big, they produce lots of silk. Sometimes people will collect a cocoon after the moth has emerged and use it as a little purse.

Next, Joel suggested two interesting moths. The first is often called the hairy tentacle moth, which sounds absolutely horrifying. Its scientific name is Creatonotos gangis, and it lives in parts of Australia and southeast Asia.

The hairy tentacle moth is also called the Australian horror moth and other names that inspire fear and disgust. But why? The moth is really pretty. Its wings are pale brown and white with dark gray stripes in the middle, and it has a black spot on its head. The abdomen is usually red with black spots in a row. The wingspan is about 40 mm.

The issue comes with the way the male attracts a female. Inside his abdomen the male has four coremata, which are glands that emit pheromones. Pheromones are chemicals that other moths can detect, much like smells. When a male is ready to advertise for a mate, he perches on the edge of a leaf or somewhere similar and inflates the coremata so that they unfurl from inside the abdomen, like blowing up a balloon. Sometimes he only extends two of the coremata, sometimes all of them. Either way, the coremata are surprisingly large, sometimes longer than the entire abdomen. They’re dark gray with feathery hairs and they do actually look like hairy tentacles. They’re sometimes called hair pencils, but the term coremata is actually Greek for feather dusters.

If you don’t know what they are, the coremata really do look weird and unpleasant. But the moth is just doing his best to get his pheromones picked up on the breeze so a female will find him. The pheromone also repels other males.

The hairy tentacle moth can only develop his coremata and the pheromones he needs if he eats enough of plants that contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids. These are intensely bitter compounds that are also toxic to many animals. When he’s a caterpillar, the male eats plants that contain these alkaloids and retains them in his body, chemically modifying them later into pheromones, but if he doesn’t eat enough of them, he’s not able to grow coremata either.

Finally, Joel also suggested the hornet moth, which lives in Europe and the Middle East. It’s a moth, but it genuinely looks exactly like a yellow and black striped hornet. It even has clear wings like a hornet or wasp and flies like one too, and it’s about the size of a hornet. Even though it’s harmless, it looks like it would give you a bad sting, which protects it from potential predators who know better than to mess with a hornet. It’s a great example of what’s called Batesian mimicry, but it has one big drawback. The moth lives in some areas where there aren’t any hornets, and in those areas birds and other animals soon learn that those brightly striped insects are yummy and easy to catch.

The female hornet moth lays her eggs in the plants around the base of a tree or on its bark, especially the poplar tree. When the eggs hatch, the larvae spend the next two or three years in and around the tree, mostly around its roots. It eats the wood of the roots, and when it’s ready to pupate it burrows into the tree trunk and spins its cocoon in the burrow. The problem is that it needs the cocoon to be protected inside the tree, not near the entrance of the burrow, but when it emerges from the cocoon it needs to be near the entrance or its newly metamorphosed body will be too large for it to crawl out. To solve the problem, when it’s getting close to emerging, the moth will wriggle around in its cocoon so energetically that it manages to push the pupa up the burrow to the entrance. You can imitate this action by zipping yourself into a sleeping bag and trying to crawl across a room.

For a long time people thought the hornet moth was damaging poplar trees by this behavior, causing them to die. It turns out that the moths aren’t hurting the trees, they’re just more noticeable when poplars are already injured by drought.

There’s also an American hornet moth that lives in some parts of the Midwest and western areas of North America. It’s closely related to the hornet moth of Europe and adults look an awful lot like hornets, but they don’t sting. So the next time you’re about to run from a hornet, take a moment to determine if the hornet is actually a harmless moth. Or at least don’t run, just walk away quickly and safely. Just in case.

You can find Strange Animals Podcast at strangeanimalspodcast.blubrry.net. That’s blueberry without any E’s. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions for future episodes, email us at strangeanimalspodcast@gmail.com. We also have a Patreon at patreon.com/strangeanimalspodcast if you’d like to support us for as little as one dollar a month and get monthly bonus episodes.

Thanks for listening!